
GOLD at Clio awards 2022 // Agency: Jung von Matt/Sports

A tribute to the everyday hero
Client Fostplus / Agency Bonka Circus

Agency: Serviceplan Vienna

Hornbach 'In Your Corner'
Agency: Heimat Berlin, Silver award at Lovie & New York Festival, Bronze at ADC Germany

The Christmas Human
Absurd comedy short (1min)

Business Bike
Agency: JungvMatt/Sports

Idealo - The price is low low low
Agency: Grey Hamburg

Elevator Pitch - VolksbankenRaiffeisenbanken
Agency: Twentyrising Berlin

Magenta - The Internet doesn't like to wait
Agency: JungvMatt / Donau

Denim Solar • Boring
This Agency Amsterdam

Lotto - Balcony picknick
Agency: Mortierbrigade

Orange Wifi
Agency: Publicis Brussels

Denim Solar • Boring
This Agency Amsterdam

Orange: Better buy a new phone
For more Orange, click 'read more'

Viking Lotto - The Fly
Agency: Mortierbrigade

Flaschenpost Viva la Samstag!
Agency: Serviceplan Hamburg

How To Eat Noodles Like A Boss
Meme adaptation
Visual trickery & Puppetry

Roewe i5 • Optical illusions
Made in China

Delhaize Optical Illusions
Agency: TBWA Belgium

League of Angels - starring WonderWoman Gal Gadot
and a terrifying VFX dragon.

Apple tree • Nürnberger Insurances
Agency: D&P Berlin

PHILIP - a heartwarming short film (3min)
Award winning short about an old coffeemaker

Minijob Mini Musical
SInging household appliances for Minijob

Stop-motion with wood

NADA fruit juice stop-motion
Agency: Republique Libanon

Ostmann Gewürze
Agency: PuK Hamburg